
Daisy - Whoodle
Hi Carolyn. It's Susan Daisys owner. Hope you had a good holiday. Just thought I would touch base and let you know Daisy is doing awesome. I cant beleive how big she has gotten already. She truly is a spit fire. Full of energy. Always keeping me on my toes. She is Extremely smart, sneaky and finds her way into things that she knows is not allowed. I always have surprises when I get home from work. Lol

Arwyn - Cockapoo
HI Caroline
I wanted to send you an update on Arwyn. He is doing very well here in New Brunswick, everyone thinks he is the cutest dog they have ever seen.
We have been keeping him busy this past year. He completed Puppy class, obedience 1 and 2, Scent one and Pre-agility. He excels in his scent class of course. He begins Scent two and will also go to Pre-agility introduction to the equipment. Plus he gets lots of social time with other dogs big and small.
He loves being out doors and even learned how to swim this past summer, although he is not to sure he likes it; he would rather spend his time digging holes on the beach or combing the rocks.
I have attached his birthday picture for you to see how big he is now.
Thanks for letting us adopt him he is the love of our lives.

Red - Cockapoo
Hi Caroline,
We welcomed home Red the cockapoo from you this summer (2017). We are so happy with our new addition. He is loved and happy! Can't thank you enough for our bundle of joy. Here is Red at approximately 4 months. His coat is beautiful and he is healthy and full of life. He's the talk of our neighbourhood and great with people and other dogs. He's already made lots of friends and loves to play catch and dig in the sandbox. We are discovering everyday how intelligent he is! We will send an update and pictures once he is full grown.
Thanks again
Kind regards,
Red and family

Molly - Whoodle
Just thought you may like to see a recent photo of Molly, she’ll be 6 months old on Monday, weighing a healthy 28lbs so far.
Krista McMulkin
I purchased my Molly from your whoodle litter this past October and she is so wonderful. I have many people asking about her and wanting one just like her. I even sent a friend who bought her sister at that time.
I have a friend right now interested in your upcoming litter of whoodle’.
As I mentioned, Molly is beyond amazing and I have nothing but great things to say regarding my healthy happy pup.
I know I had emailed you in the beginning about Molly’s excessive biting, she was a challenge in the beginning. But now she is the sweetest, most outgoing friendly girl. She was spayed last week and doing amazing. She makes friends everywhere she goes and loves all dogs, people and kids.

Simon - Cockapoo
Hi Caroline,
Simon slept most of the way to Owen Sound. He is eating and drinking well.
He is going outside to his toilet area really well and seems to be going to the door to give me a hint. He absolutely loves the snow.
Last night I put him in the bathroom with a baby gate. After about 5 minutes of crying he settled down. Other than snoring I didn't hear from him until the alarm at 6!! We went right outside for a pee.
Long may it last. He is a delightful little boy,
Thank you,

Archie - Cockapoo
I just wanted to send along some pictures of Archie. He is 14 weeks now and so smart! He can ring the bells to go outside to the bathroom, sit, lay down, give a paw and high five.
Thank you
Mattea white

Simon - Cockapoo
We have started puppy classes. This is demonstrating sit without the command.
He is such a sweetheart.

Happy Mothers Day. Here is a picture of Molly. Adopted 1 year ago from Caroline.
She has been a great little dog, 11 pounds now. All white, no more beige spots. She has graduated from garde 1 in puppy school and is very well behaved. She is friends with all the neighbours and especially the children and other dogs. Joanne and I could not be happier.
Thanks again Caroline,
Dan, Joanne and Molly O'Reilly

It was nice speaking with you today. Since we adopted Charlie, we have had so much fun! My 7 year old daughter absolutely LOVES him (we all do!). He is definitely a perfect fit with our family.
Thank you again!

Angus - Cockapoo
Hi, we have had a wonderful first week with our little fur baby. He is a sweet, playful and loving pup who has been an amazing addition to our family.
Thank you
Kirstin Fleming

Kodi - Poodle
Our bundle of joy is home with us .All went well and we absolutely love him. He is as good as gold and smart. Thanks for everything . We will keep in touch.
Caroline and Rien
Kevin and Ann

Kody - Poodle
Kody second grooming.

Charlie - Cockapoo
Hi guys,
Just wanted to let you know that Charlie is a year old now and our boys just love him. He is not a very good listener. Lol.. and likes to jump on the Island and eat. But he sure is a cute puppy.
Rai-lyn Chisholm

Zoey - Whoodle
Hello, we picked up a whoodle puppy in Nov and we've been thinking of adding another to our family. We've been keeping an eye on your website for updates. Wondering if you were getting a little soon.
Thank you
Zoey loves to go to the dog park everyday and she is so smart. We love her so much. She's also a great sister to our 4 year old havanese Pepper.

Miller - Cockapoo
Hi there, just wanted to let you know that Miller is doing well. She’s growing quickly, is learning quickly and getting spoiled. Today she had her first haircut.
Pete and Jennifer Driedger
Franklin - Cockapoo
I wanted to say thank you for our newest addition to our family, we've named him Franklin. 🐾🐶🐾
Franklin had a little motion sickness on the way home , but hasn't had any other episodes. I cant believe how intelligent he is already .. whimpers his cute little puppy cry to go outside to the bathroom. 🐾
Thank you Caroline and Rien
Best regards
Josie and Franklin

CJ - Havapoo
CJ is doing great. He's a wonderful addition to our family. We are very happy to have him. He has a sweet temperament.
Please keep me posted on upcoming litters. Thanks!!

Skye - Cockapoo Blue Merle
Hi there
I just wanted to say thank you for such a great breed.
I inherited Skye (merle cockapoo) back in March of this year from Lori.
Skye is from your October 31st 2016 litter.
She is such an amazing puppy with a great disposition and nature.
And as you can see by the pic loves dryer sheets.
So thanks again and if you want more pictures or have any questions etc please feel free.
Take care,
Sarah Kong

Ranger - Whoodle
This is Ranger our lovely Whoodle. She is now 5 months old. She was so easy to train and is the sweetest thing. We are so happy with her.
Thanks again Caroline and Rien.
Eden Frieberg

Bailey - Cockapoo
This is Kayla and Malcolm Fudge from Gander, NL. We got our Cockapoo puppy from you in October. We wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for blessing us with our Bailey. Here is recent pic of her. She is growing daily, healthy and full of energy lol. We couldn't be happier with her.

Mini Goldendoodle
Happy Québec family!
Thank you!
Sylvie Poulin

Luna - Woodle
Greetings Joyful Puppies!:
At the end of August this year, we purchased our beautiful Whoodle puppy from you (born June 20, 2017). We named her Luna!
She VERY quickly became a wonderful part of our family and has brought much love to our household!
I had said I would get back to you with some updated photos and here they are! As you can see, she has grown a lot!
She has all her adult teeth now and as of our last trip to the vet she weighed 16 pounds. This was a few weeks ago though so I expect she's gained in the interim.
Anyways, wishing you both a wonderful holiday!
Julie, Chris, James, Gillian and Luna
P.S. I also sent a good friend of mine your way as he is looking for a new puppy!
P.S.S. I attached the pictures in chronological order so you should see her over time.

Toby - Cockapoo
1st birthday July 12th he shares with my mom!

Toby - Cockapoo
Toby at 5 months old with his christmas haircut...so many people have asked where i got him and i told them a great breeder called joyful puppies!

Dexter - Maltese
Dexter will be a big part of our lives, 2 years today ❤ Wanted to let you see
him and he has been such a great dog and of course very spoilt😊
Vern and Janet Gekill
From August 2015:
We are now up to 2.8 lbs😊
Has been the love of our lives since July 4th (as he is curled up on my knee
sleeping as I type this note)
He has been exposed to lots of children and other dogs and seems to get along
with everyone and we have taught him kisses so he is kissing everyone when he
is held and will let anyone pick him up.
Good sleeper and good traveller in the car.
Wanted to update you.
Janet Gekill

Rosie - Bichonpoo
Here is Rosie our Bichon poo. One year old today. She slept in this morning and later went to a park and ran through the mud chasing rabbits.
And yes a serious haircut two weeks ago.
We love our Rosie.
Sandra Beattie

Cooper - Cockapoo
Hi Caroline,
It’s been almost exactly a year since we adopted Cooper from you, and we wanted to share just how much he’s grown! He fits right in with our family. He is SO friendly and so cuddly; he loves to socialize with everyone- people and dogs! He is also very smart, and has progressed a long way with his training. We couldn’t be happier with him, thank you for bringing him into our lives. He is so loved.
All the best,
Maria Romano

Dusty - Whoodle
Dusty is a 53 lbs Whoodle

Sophie - Cockapoo
Hello Caroline,
Almost two years ago, my wife and I purchased a cockapoo from you and she had been nothing but wonderful. I attached a picture of Sophie from the day she placed first at her puppy school final exam.
My mother-in-law is looking for a similar puppy. They are interested in adopting a female cockapoo puppy in the near future.
Thank you,

Angel - Maltese
Angel is doing good.We are thinking about another dog for her to play with. Do you have any puppys, if so what it can be any sex.

Rosie - Cockapoo

Sir Bosco - Whoodle
Hi Caroline and Rien:
Just a quick hello.
Bosco is doing well and has become quite popular in the dog park.
We visit daily for at least an hour where he runs freely with his friends.
He is truly an amazing pet.
We celebrated his first birthday with other dogs with home- made doggy treats for all.
Later it was off to the groomers for a big boy haircut.
Thanks again!
Kathi, Justin, Dillon and Sir Bosco (The perfect Whoodle)
Windsor, Ontario
Hey Caroline:
Kathi Barrette from Windsor.
Sir Bosco is the greatest dog ever. You would be amazed to see him. His coat is a beautiful strawberry blonde with a slight curl. He is so peaceful and social with humans and other dogs.
Just wondering if you will have any Whoodles available any time soon.
Have given your information to a dear friend who just lost her dog to cancer prematurely.
She absolutely loves Sir Bosco…who wouldn’t.
Really wants a Whoodle.
You have given me a great dog and companion. Thank you so much and when I learn how to transfer photos from my phone I will send you a pic of the great Sir Bosco! Ya he thinks he’s royalty!
Cheers Caroline…I’m so happy with my precious Bosco…he is loved…hope that makes you happy!

Pixie - Cockapoo
Hello I bought a cockapoo puppy off you, just emailing you some pics and some info about how she is doing. We names her pixie she is doing very well, she adjusted good, she loves my other dog who is a 25 lb jackrussel and its funny cause she is only 6lbs now but she sill puts him in his place and tells him what to do. She loves playing with kids she just had her first hair cut not too long ago, she is cut like a cocker, its so cute cause she is still so small. She goes almost everywhere with me, she goes for bike rides she run's beside my bike with jackrussel well only for about 15 mins then she gets tired so for the rest of the ride she goes in the trailer its so funny, she really tries to keep up with my jackrussel. She also rides on my motorcycle with me, i just stared bringin her on the bike i wanted to wait till she got used to bikes but it only took a few times for her toget used to it, i think my jack helped with that alot cause he also rides. Thank you very much i am really enjoying her alot she is just that perfect addition to the family that i needed. Here r some pics of her i didnt really know what pics to send to u i have alot cause i take lots of pics lol

Wollow & Harley - Maltese

Thunder - Cockapoo
Here are the pictures of Thunder that I promised ages ago.
He is our pride and joy and we love him to pieces.
We have never met a cuter dog in the whole wide world - "isn't that what every dog owner says about their own dog!?
"Take care and all the best!
Robyn and Erik
P.S. Thunder says hello! He says although he is really happy, he misses you too. He wants you to know that he is almost 11 months old, and happy and healthy as can be.

Lucky - Cockapoo
Lucky is really happy to be here and we enjoy having him. He already knows tons of tricks and gets along with everyone. Lucky is also fully grown and weighs around 33 pounds. He's a very energetic puppy!

Molly - Cockapoo
Hi there! Just over a year ago we brought home Molly, a black cockapoo from your litre that was born December 24th 2015! Just wanted to share how much we LOVE her and how amazing she has been with our family. She is now 25 pounds and so friendly. Any chance you have an other cockapoo litre on the way? Here are some pics of Molly.
Sami Punzo

Lacey and Hannah - Bichonpoo's
Hello Rien and Caroline,
I just wanted to send an update on our puppies that we had gotten from you, one in October and the other in Feb.
Lacey was our first puppy and we had such a great time with her that we visited your house again and added Hannah to our family.
They were a perfect match! Although they do not have the same mother, their characteristics are VERY similar. They love to play together and and both enjoy long walks.
We also had them at the beach in the water, both dove right in and ran around. We just got Hannah spayed this week and the whole time Lacey was crying for her sister, the are inseprable.
They have both had a clean bill of health and only visiting the vets for their regular check ups and vaccines. We couldn't have been more fortunate to have these two puppies in our family, they have brought us many laughs and lots of kisses!
I have attached a few pictures of them together, thought you might like to see them 🙂
Thank you again for allowing us to add these puppies to our family!
Sarah and Jeff

Chloe - Cockapoo
Here is a picture of Chloe that our son took a week ago or so.

Murphy - Cockapoo
Hi Caroline,
Just wanted to send a picture of our handsome boy - Murphy. He is a male Cockapoo who was born September 6/16 that we purchased from you on Nov 4/16. Murphy has brought so much joy to our home, has developed quite a loving personality and has a great disposition. He is a quick learner and has been easy to train. Murphy loves car rides, walks, everyone he meets and other dogs. He will be a great travelling companion during our retirement years.
Best Regards,
Rick and Patricia

Piper - Maltese

Molly - Cockapoo

Angus and Winston - Cockapoo's
Hi there ,
This is Emily and Devin, we adopted a cockapoo on January 11th 2010, his brother was adopted by my cousin as well the day before that...
He is doing fantastic!!!! He is so smart and healthy!!! We are so happy that we have added him to our family!!!!
We have one quick question for you, we have seen a few other Cockapoo's when we have been out walking and they were the same age as Angus and they were a fair bit larger , so we were wondering if the parents were a miniature poodle or standard...and what was the cockerspanial like ?
Thanks so much
Emily and Devin

Charlie - Cockapoo
Hi Caroline,
My daughter and I purchased a puppy from you on July 11, 2014. He was born on May 19, 2014 and is almost 3 years old now J I must say, he is the love of our lives!
I just wanted to know if you could tell me anything about Charlies parents as he is a solid 42lb J not at all fat, extremely strong and beautiful. Smart and wonderfully mischievous!
Thank you,

Penny - Cockapoo
Good evening!
I just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU.
I adopted this little girl from you about a month ago - and she has been a wonderful addition to my life.
I've included some pictures of the beautiful Penny at Christmas.
Thanks again
Nicole Chapman

Bambi - Cockapoo
Hi Caroline.
We just wanted to wish you guys a merry christmas and happy new year and send you an update and pic of our bambi! (litter 2, female 2 from july 2016) she is truly a blessing! a stubborn and feisty little girl but is still so loving and brilliant! she knows a ton of tricks and is full potty and crate trained:) we adore her to bits xo
i also wanted to ask you if you still had the picture of her that you posted on the website in aug, would love to have it as a keep sake 🙂 hope all is well!
-Candace and Allan

Rosie - Bichonpoo
Hello again. Here are some pictures of Rosie. I got her from you back in August. She's a Bichonpoo that was born on May 28. I thought you might like to see some pictures of her. She's come along just fine. She weighs about 8 1/2 pounds maybe nine and is a bundle of energy.
Our lives certainly change for the better with Rosie in it.
Happy new year

Jackson - Cockapoo
Hi Caroline.
I thought you might like an update about your "cuddler".
Jackson is doing very well. He has grown a lot. He was 5.6 pounds at his first vet visit and is now just over 10 pounds. He has very long legs which is the poodle part of him. He had his first hair cut on April 10. I have attached his photo from that special day. We have been to puppy school. He has learned to sit on command, but still has a way to go on some other commands!!!
Jackson is very social and loves to meet everyone--dogs, people, cats, rabbits, squirrels........
We are enjoying him very much.
Hope all is well.

Rien, good morning.
Thanks for selling the puppy to us last week.
Would you have photos of the parents bred for him? We are hazarding a guess as to what colour he would eventually take. If no picture, if you just have a description, we would appreciate that.
Have a good weekend.

Bennie - Cockapoo
Kristin made a great choice!
KC Chorowiec
Dear Caroline,
We bought one of your puppies, just wanted to let you know, all is well, he
is such a cutie pie...we love him dearly...my husband Walter is doing his
utmost for his toilet training stuff.
His name KC Chorowiec, went to the vet and he checked out great, month end
he will get his needle (rabies). Thanks for having healthy pups !
Vashti Chorowiec

He's now our best baby 😻
Not sure if you still remember but we once got this beautiful cockapoo from you. He's the best! Thought I'll share his pictures with you😊
Because of you we are blessed to have him with us.

Mylo - Cockapoo
HI Caroline
Mylo and Marty are turning 1! For someone who wasn't sure about adopting a puppy I am now not sure what I would do without him. He is such a fun, happy and full of energy little pup. I have attached a pic of our fun loving furry friend. Adopting a cockapoo was the best decision!
Lisa & Greg Banfield

Bassi - Cockapoo

Winnie - Cockapoo
Hi Caroline and Rien,
My name is Justine, and last year, for my birthday, my parents surprised me with a little ball of fluff, who I named Winnie.
Winnie is from your April 8, 2016 litter of cockapoos. She is very cuddly and affectionate and has been such a doll since day 1 She loves to play with other dogs, and is wonderful around children. Her favourite things are cuddling, swimming, and playing fetch and tug of war.
I could not be happier with my little Winnie, and am so grateful to have her in my life!
I have attached some photos of Winnie so you see how beautiful she is!
Thank you for my baby!!
Justine Westman
Jazz to Nova Scotia
Hi Caroline,
I had a wonderful time yesterday meeting you. Jazz did so well, she was not even scared to timid. She traveled beside me in the passenger seat while I pet her. The plane ride was great too. I had to take her out to go through security but she was happy to be cuddled. There were so many noises/people but it all went fast. She slept on the plane & people around me were disappointed that I was not allowed to take her out. The Westjet staff were great & got to see her at the end.
Last night she played with the kids & Ginger for about an hour & 1/2 & then settled right down to sleep in her kennel. She is drinking & eating fine. She ate this am trying to eat Ginger's food until we put hers down. Today she is in our family room next to the grooming salon playing & relaxing with Ginger. Ginger being the one doing more of the relaxing. She loves her & wants to be near her.
I see we need to baby proof a little as she's doing what she did at your place. Kristie & the boys love her & she has taken to them..
Well I hope you are having a great day. I have to get back to work & will send pictues later on.
Thanks so much for your kindness yesterday.